Andean Cosmovision
This world view comes from the indigenous peoples of the Andes in Peru, there is also similar aspects coming from the native people of the in Ecuador, Bolivia and down into Chile. It dates back beyond the time of the Incan empire that spanned these four countries to create a Tawantinsuyu - an empire ruled by Pachakuti Inka - the enlightened King.
In short - The indigenous inhabitants of the Andes of Peru have a cosmovision that emphasises living in harmony and respect with nature and with one another. One of the ways we do this with energy exchanges, using the power of intention and the Andean law of ‘Ayni’ - reciprocation. Another very powerful way is to make an offering ‘Haywariquy’, to the nature beings and Pachamama.
Below are what we know of the two lineages of the Waskar and Inkari lines, that date back in generations for hundreds of years. Waskar was the last Inca who died in 1533. These two lineages come together through my teacher Juan Nuñez del Prado, who teaches all over the world with his son Ivan. I think it’s so important to know not only who your teachers are but their teachers too. When I say their names, I feel their personal power through the lineage.
The Lineage of the Andean Tradition through Don Juan Nuñez del Prado
I have put Juan’s 3 main teachers below in bold, the lineage of their teachers follow after them.
Waskar Lineage : Right/Phaña and Left/Lloq’e Aspect of the Tradition
Both of these masters were from the town of Wasao just outside of Cusco:
Don Benito Q’oriwaman - Master of the right/phaña; Q’oriwaman means "gold falcon"
Don Melchor Desa - Master of the left/lloq’e
Their teacher:
Don Julian Challayku - (the meaning of his name, refers to the sacred act of dispersing alcohol into the air by flicking it from your fingertips)
His teacher:
Don Manuel Pinta—An Apu (a sacred mountain) now bears his name, overlooking Wasao
Inkari Lineage (Q'ero): Middle/Chaupi Aspect of the Tradition
These masters were from the nation of Q’eros
Don Andres Espinosa - Master of the middle/chaupi, also a Chunpi P’aqo
His teacher:
Don Dionisio Marchaqa
His teacher:
Don Garibilu Q’espi - He has become a metaphysical figure, almost a saviour archetype to the Q’ero; displayed some fifth-level abilities
His teacher:
Martín Q’espi Ccapa
Before Martín Q’espi Ccapa was: - Bernado Cruz, and before him was Nazario Samata (lived in later 1800s and early 1900s).
Other more recent influential masters, that both Juan and Ivan worked with, were:
Don Manuel Q’espi
Don Mariano Apasa Marchaqa
As well as my original teachers, Juan and Ivan, I have also received trainings from Elizabeth B. Jenkins and Joan Parisi Wilcox (both of them American, who received training from Juan over 25 years ago and found their own paths in this tradition).