“Ask the Universe”
This is the story of my calling to the Andean tradition
One night, way back in November 2011, my friend Fran phoned me and told me she was going on a spiritual trip to Peru. Well, I can just remember yelping “no waaaay, take me with you!”
I had always wanted to go there since I’d read some of Shirley McClain’s books and the Celestine Prophecy, back in the 80s. That interest was reignited watching Bruce Parry’s, Tribe, on Channel 4. I loved how he ingratiated himself into the local customs, became one of the tribe and how, in each initiation, he had found out some deep mystery about himself. I had visions of myself, taking a canoe along the Amazon, living with tribes in grass huts in the jungle taking ayahuasca, ‘finding myself’ - albeit in a deeply altered state. Although I never actually went to the jungle nor did Ayahuasca, what was in my future was way more than I could possibly have dreamt of.
Fran had told me that there was going to be a group of twelve people, taking a pilgrimage around the Andes, making rituals and offerings at sacred sites, connecting and raising our levels of consciousness. She might have said more, but I was already there, it was like I was in a bubble real life dreaming - like every cell in my body had projected me into these places already. Even when she said that she thought that it may be booked out already, I was in my little bubble up on a mountain making some kind of fire ritual.
But then my bubble burst when I thought, I thought I couldn’t afford it. I had just renovated my house and really wasn’t in a position to go anywhere exotic.
Life was good at that time, I had my own house, a really supportive family, lovely friends and working two jobs that I loved. I’d always been able to take myself off travelling to do yoga courses and whatever I wanted, if I saved up for it. At this particular time, I’d just done a lot of work to the house and money was a bit tight.
Fran said she’d find out if they had anymore spaces left in the group, and told me to meditate on getting the money together - “ask the universe” - was her specific directions.
“Yeah right”, I remember thinking, “ask the universe?!”
I was a keen meditator, I was always able to go into deeper states of consciousness, but I’d never thought to ask the universe for anything before, it would never have occurred to me to ask for anything. The next day I sat down to meditate, I couldn’t even think of how to ask for it. How do you ask the universe for money - was that allowed? How should I say it? “Here universe, do you know the way I’m skint and all …”
Eventually I just settled with “Dear Universe, if I’m meant to go the Peru, would you please send me a sign.”
Almost instantly I felt like I was going to go, I heard something about the number three - whether that was 3 hours, 3 days, 3 years - I didn’t know. However, the doubting Thomas in me always made me feel like I didn’t really believe or trust myself that this could really happen.
I hadn’t heard from Fran for a few of days, and had just about given up on the idea - maybe I’d go some day when I could find the money. It was on that third day when I decided to tackle the huge pile of letters and bills on the table in my kitchen. One of them was from the bank, thinking it was a statement, I’d tossed it onto the pile, it had probably sat there for weeks unopened. I read the first few lines …
“Dear Miss Lavery,
We are very sorry, but we have realised that we have been overcharging you on your mortgage the last 3 years … we enclose a check for £4,500 … we apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you.”
After picking my jaw up off the floor, dancing around the kitchen and kissing my housemate! I got on the phone to Fran … “Fran, you’re not going to believe what has happened!”
Fran was saying, “Wait, what? No, you’re not going to believe what happened!”
We jostled around a little bit, but eventually I told her my news and we both squealed down the phone at each other.
“Now, what was your news?” - I said, forgetting that I still hadn’t been offered a place on the group.
“Well, you’re not going to believe this, but when I phoned the organiser of the group the other day, they said the group was fully booked, but I just got a phone call this morning to say that a spot had opened up.” Someone had dropped out due to an injury.
Five months later in April 2012, I was in Peru and on the trip of a lifetime, not knowing what the hell I was doing, but loving every minute and giving thanks each day for this crazy adventure. Little did I know then that this was something that I would find so resonant and profound, that it would become a stable lifeline for me to this day.
I don’t consider myself anyone particularly special to heed this “calling” to the Andean tradition, I purely tapped in asked and waited for the answer. If you can sit quietly enough to listen, the universe will show you the answers and lead you to your calling. I believe everyone can do this, it’s just that the noise and motion of our everyday lives puts restrictions and limits to how far we want to take ourselves. If you’re reading this, I encourage you to be still, watch and listen. The universe always has your back and will point you in the right direction.
Fran and I in our usual state of compulsive giggling, at Machu Picchu, 24 April 2012