I’m Helena, and welcome to Conscious Evolution - a place where I bring yoga and Andean practices together.
I am a yoga teacher from Belfast, in the north of Ireland. I teach Katonah Yoga®, Restorative and Somatic Yoga. I give energy healings and lead workshops and courses combining Yoga and Andean Cosmovision.
In each class, workshop or course, I aspire to give people experiences that elevate them out of the norm with the intention of gaining new perspective on themselves - physically, mentally, emotionally and energetically.
My vision is for my students to evolve consciously through the practice of Yoga and Andean Mysticism.
It all started when …
I was a glass design student at Art college in Dublin in 1997, when my love affair with yoga began. It was my final year, and I was stressed to the max. Looking back on it, I think the more stressed I got, the more calamity I attracted to myself. On the drive into college one morning, a guy (who seemed equally stressed) drove into the back of my car, which left me with really bad whiplash. I struggled on for some time, until a friend told me about a yoga class at the college and I decided to go and see if it would help, not only did it help with the whiplash, but I felt relaxed for probably the first time ever!
Several years later, back in Belfast, my friend’s mum (Valerie McCrory), was teaching and I went religiously to her classes. Valerie kept encouraging me to do teacher training, after a lot of coercing and many years of dedicated practice, I signed up for my first TT with Marie Quail. Marie was one of the first teachers to bring yoga to Northern Ireland and is an incredible teacher, the foundations of her teachings have stuck with me all these years. I began teaching in 2003 and have taught consistently ever since. Over the years I have practiced with many teachers and immersed myself into countless trainings with various schools of yoga. Since 2015 I’ve been studying Katonah and completed my certification, becoming the first accredited Katonah Yoga® teacher in Northern Ireland.
Even with all the yoga training, I still love to learn, and especially from indigenous cultures. In 2012, I took a six month sabbatical in South and Central America. A sequence of either serendipitous or synchronistic events lead me to my teachers of the Andean tradition in Peru; the Chocolate Shaman in Guatemala and numerous Shamans; healers and teachers along the way. When I find something that resonates to the very core of my being it reels me in - this is what happened when I met my teachers of the Andean tradition.
I believe that the universe knows our destiny, many’s a time I have found myself on the right path and sometimes even on the wrong path. Good or bad, high or low it’s all part of my journey, and all part of ‘conscious evolution’.